
Brand name

Aerol, based in New Delhi with manufacturing in Haryana, is a distinguished private company founded in September 1989. Over 30 years, Aerol has become a premier manufacturer of aerosol and chemical preparations in India, offering over 300 products under its brands and private labels. With a strong distribution network across India, Aerol is expanding into export markets like Nepal, Bangladesh, and the Middle East.

Products in Aerol

Afra 888 Silicon Spray
Anti Seize Spray
Leak Detector Spray
Dry Film PTFE Spray
Corrogard 6 in 1 Multi Functional Oil Spray
Chain Oil spray
Paint and Gasket Remover
Dry Moly Spray
Corrogard Wax Spray
Mutipurpose Silicon Spray
Anti Spatter Spray
Cleaner and Degreaser
Smoke Tester